速報APP / 娛樂 / Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Qu

Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Qu





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Turkey , Ankara

Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Quotes(圖1)-速報App

This application is a basic sex calculator, which functions due to your and partner's name. The algorithm generates the special functions using names and calculates the outcome by percentage. It is just for fun, you can play it offline, have a fun with your friends. Also, there is lots of sexual quotes. Write your crush's name, see the outcome and quote. Screenshot it send it to your crush, maybe you can have a chance.

Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Quotes(圖2)-速報App

What is new?

Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Quotes(圖3)-速報App

With our great team we are working on Artifical Intelligence based sex calculator which gives the outcome with real possibilities, but to release this project we need to have a million downloads of this app.

Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Quotes(圖4)-速報App

Free Sex Calculator: Sex Challenges & Quotes(圖5)-速報App